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Vi er en forskningsgruppe på Sørlandet som ønsker å utvikle, fremme og formidle kunnskap om kvinners helse innenfor gynekologi, obstetrikk,  seksuell helse og immigranthelse.

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Ingvild Vistad


Nora Johansen
Astrid Liavaag
Trond Michelsen 
Ane Cecilie Munk
Janne Rossen
Linda Sagedal
Jeanne Mette Goderstad  
Caren Magdalena Rydland Værnesbranden


Fride Efjestad Austad
Christin Meltzer-Gunnes
Hanna Oommen
Anita Paulsen
Zaklina Tarabar 
Tina Rosland
Vibeke Salvesen
Mette Skorstad
​​​Benedicte Sandhaug Nygaard
Karen Madland

Ingvild Vistad

• A mobile supportive care application for use during follow-up after gynecological cancer treatment (PhD prosjekt)

• Sykelighet og dødelighet relatert til hjerte- og karsykdom, hoftebrudd og demens hos kvinner etter forebyggende fjerning av eggstokker (post-doc prosjekt)

• Forbedring av seksualfunksjon etter hjerteinfarkt (PhD prosjekt)

• Kan hysterektomi og/eller ooforektomi gi økt dødelighet? (PhD prosjekt) (Does gynecologic surgery increase morbidity and mortality? A population-based prospective cohort study)

• Hjerte- og karsykdom​ og seksualfunksjon (Outpatient Induction of Labor with Oral Misoprostol: A multicenter randomizedcontrolled trial) (PhD prosjekt)

• The impact of multicultural doula support on immigrant women’s childbirth experiences, birth outcomes and use of hospital maternity services – a longitudinal multi-centre study

• Sexual rehabilitation in women treated for gynecological cancer

• Celleforandringer på livmorhalsen, prognostiske biomarkører kan differensiere mellom kvinner med lav og høy risiko for å utvikle kreft (Prognostic biomarkers for Cervical

• ​Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) to improve follow-up and treatment of women with low and high risk of cervical cancer) (post-doc prosjekt)

• A quasi-randomized controlled clinical trial to evaluate a mobile supportive care app for patients after gynecological cancer treatment

• Physical activity in cancer survivorship

• Epidemiologic trends and prognostic markers in vulvar cancer

​​• Gestational diabetes: Correct identification is necessary to improve future health of pregnant women and offspring

• Vulvar carcinoma and human papillomavirus in Norway: trends in incidence, genotype-distribution and prognosis»​​

• The association between intrapartum opioid fentanyl and early breastfeeding

LETSGO​ (Lifestyle and Empowerment Techniques in Survivorship of Gynecologic Oncology) A Norwegian Multicenter study.

• Evaluation of patients´ preferences on reporting life expectancy. A survey among gynaecological cancer patients in Norway

• PEACE- Palliation in gynae-oncology: Patients Expectations and Assessment of CarE​

Sist oppdatert 05.11.2024